Exceptional and Normal Transport
Our facility specializes in the logistics and transport of artifacts of exceptional dimensions and weights for national and international destinations.
Giuriato & Fortuna Group, with a decade-long experience accumulated since 1985, is capable of offering the most cost-effective solution to reach the most challenging destinations, taking into account the characteristics of the goods to be shipped and identifying the most suitable mode of transportation.
Legal and Operational Headquarters in Verona
Giuriato & Fortuna S.p.A.
Via Antonio Cesari, 34
37060 Castel D’Azzano (VR) - Italia
Tel +39 045 854 66 11
Fax +39 045 512242
Email service: info@gf-group.eu
PEC: info@pec.gf-group.eu
Cuneo Branch
Via Caravaggio
12049 Trinità (CN) - Italia
Tel +39 0172 65 20 31
Fax +39 0172 65 27 35
P. Iva 02662940234
Cod. Fisc./CCIAA 01740340243
Capitale Sociale 100.000,00 €
REA n. 252524 – Reg.Imp. n. 40648
REN M0114865
Albo trasp. Naz. (VR) 2809874N
Licenza EU 00095237
UNI ISO 9001/2015
TÜV cert. n°501002049
AEO IT AEOS 21 185
Our facility specializes in the logistics and transport of artifacts of exceptional dimensions and weights for national and international destinations.